
Tricks to Boost Your Metabolism

The human metabolism is one of the most studied areas of weight-loss research. Researchers are always looking for ways that will help give our resting metabolic rate a boost.  The following are some tips that will effectively boost your metabolism.

Build more muscle through a good resistance training routine.  Every pound of muscle zaps six calories a day just doing nothing. This occurs because when your muscles are at rest, they still require three times more energy than fat does for tissue maintenance and rebuilding.

Don't remain seated all day.  While making phone calls for one hour at your desk, you'll burn 15 calories, but doing it while standing up and moving, you'll burn 100 calories.

Increasing your water consumption is another surefire method to boost your metabolism.
"People who down eight cups of water daily burn 100 calories more each day than those who drink four cups or less," says Lauren Schmitt, a dietician in Los Angeles.

Lastly, making breakfast a staple of your daily routine is an imperative factor in boosting metabolism.  Studies show that  people who eat breakfast regularly, consume 100 fewer calories daily than those who don't.