
Why should you eat cheese?

Cheese is the best snack to munch on. You can add it to your favorite recipe or just plainly eat it by itself. There are 300 several varieties of cheese all over the world. These varieties are made from unripened and ripened cheese.

Aside from keeping your bones and teeth strong, cheese also slows down your carb absorption which makes you feel lighter. Known for having zinc, cheese works well in preventing oracular degeneration and aids in tissue growth. Cheese is your all-in-one snack buddy during those lonely movie nights or during pajama party nights with friends.

The downside of eating cheese is that the usual cheeses available in supermarkets are those mass-produced, sealed in packaging and stored for weeks. Though there are unprocessed cheeses available, you still need to check its freshness. Saturated fat is also present in cheese, this kind of fat increases your cholesterol level, risk of having cardiovascular diseases, and even increase the risk of having memory loss. 

One way to avoid these risks is to opt for low-fat cheese. Just check the label and make sure that the cheese you’re going to get is low-fat. It tastes just about the same, but it's way healthier. Cheese is a dairy product, so for those who are lactose intolerant, you should eat Cheddar and Swiss cheese, as it contains a little amount of lactose.

Tricks to Boost Your Metabolism

The human metabolism is one of the most studied areas of weight-loss research. Researchers are always looking for ways that will help give our resting metabolic rate a boost.  The following are some tips that will effectively boost your metabolism.

Build more muscle through a good resistance training routine.  Every pound of muscle zaps six calories a day just doing nothing. This occurs because when your muscles are at rest, they still require three times more energy than fat does for tissue maintenance and rebuilding.

Don't remain seated all day.  While making phone calls for one hour at your desk, you'll burn 15 calories, but doing it while standing up and moving, you'll burn 100 calories.

Increasing your water consumption is another surefire method to boost your metabolism.
"People who down eight cups of water daily burn 100 calories more each day than those who drink four cups or less," says Lauren Schmitt, a dietician in Los Angeles.

Lastly, making breakfast a staple of your daily routine is an imperative factor in boosting metabolism.  Studies show that  people who eat breakfast regularly, consume 100 fewer calories daily than those who don't.

Healthy Foods that Your Kids will Love

It is a case of constant misery for many mothers when their kids refuse to eat food. However, these days, it is much simpler to buy healthy ingredients from the market and prepare tasty meals for them. These foods are not only enjoyable but also high in nutritional content which makes them ideal for the kids.

Here are some foods that your kids will love.

Flaxseed Packed with Omega-3 Fatty acids, flaxseeds act like a brain tonic. It helps in the optimal development of the brain and can be had both whole and ground. Researchers, however, suggest that flaxseeds are absorbed by the body best when they are eaten ground. You can sprinkle them to the banana cinnamon waffles or morning cereals for healthy consumption.

Tofu You may think that there is no chance in heaven that your child would eat tofu delightfully. However, you will be amazed to learn that there is! If you use tofu to serve as a creamy base to their smoothies and cookies and cream ice creams, they will not only love what they just ate but will be begging for more. Tofu is highly rich in protein, B vitamins, iron and calcium.

Sweet Potato This is one of the most nutritious veggies and is also not very expensive. You can improve or retain the eyesight of your children if you include sweet potatoes in their diet as it is a rich source of vitamin A. Because of their bright color and sweetness, the kids generally love this dish without much hassle.


FEEDS: 1 per serving size READY: Depending on how the s’mores are made, the final ready time varies from 3 to 7 minutes.

INGREDIENTS: 1 large bag of marshmallows (10 oz) 1 large Hershey’s chocolate bar (7 oz) 1 pack of Honey Maid graham crackers (14.4 oz)

DIRECTIONS FOR THE FIRE: 1. To roast over an open flame, pierce the center of one marshmallow with a skewer and slowly let the fire crisp it up. 2. Split your graham cracker into two long halves. Break off one piece of chocolate and set it onto one of the halves. 3. Place the roasted marshmallow on top of the chocolate. Press the other graham cracker onto the marshmallow and munch away!

DIRECTIONS FOR THE GRILL: 1. Set the grill to medium heat. Place 1 graham cracker half onto a piece of aluminum foil and top it with 1 piece of chocolate and 1 marshmallow. Cover the stack with the remaining graham cracker half. 2. Wrap the aluminum foil around the stack and let it grill for 5 minutes. 3. Carefully, open up the wrap and enjoy!

DIRECTIONS FOR THE MICROWAVE: 1. Layer 1 graham cracker half with 1 piece of chocolate and 1 marshmallow. 2. Zap the stack in the microwave for 8 seconds. 3. Top it off with the other graham cracker half and gobble it up!

DIRECTIONS FOR THE TOASTER OVEN: 1. On a sheet of aluminum foil, set up 1 graham cracker half with 1 piece of chocolate and 1 marshmallow. 2. Stick the sheet into the toaster oven for 5 minutes, or until the marshmallow surface is toasty. 3. Press the 1 remaining graham cracker half onto the stack and dig in!

Best Way To Remove Splinter

The lazy days of summer can increase the risk of getting a splinter. Pieces of wood that get stuck in the skin. Most splinters can be removed at home.  Some splinters may need medical attention.

Here are som tips on how to safely remove a splinter.
  • Pull the end of the splinter that is sticking out of the skin with a pair of tweezers. Be sure to pull the splinter out in the same direction that it entered the skin.
  • If the splinter is under the skin, sterilize a small pin and the skin with alcohol. Use the pin to remove the splinter. Once it is partially out, use a pair of tweezers to remove it.
  • Once the splinter is removed, wash the area with soap and water.
  • After cleaning the skin, apply Neosporin and cover the wound.
Some splinters cannot be removed from the comfort of home.  Get medical attention if the splinter seems very deep or if it is lodged under a fingernail. If a child with a splinter is restless,  it’s a good idea get help from medical staff. 

Splinters may contain germs, and bacteria. As a result, anyone who gets a splinter might develop an infection.
These tips should make splinter removal a lot easier.

Good Food Decisions For Your Budget

Americans feel a trip to the grocery store is a bit of a challenge. Families are always looking for ways to stretch their money so they can still enjoy the products they have come to enjoy. In fact, a new survey found that while people feel nutrition is more important than the price, nearly three out of four Americans feel the need to cut back on purchasing certain items, such as all-natural foods and fresh produce, in an attempt to save money.

Registered Dietitian Patricia M. Bannan says that shopping the perimeter of the supermarket is the best way to find nutritious food. There are simple, cost efficient ways to eat nutritiously dense food if shoppers just know what foods to choose and how to save.

Shoppers should pick dark green, dark purple, red, yellow and orange items in the produce section.  These are the items that possess the most vitamins.

People should also strive to choose 100 percent whole grain items in the bakery.  Bleached bread has less vitamins and minerals, and is converted into glucose when consumed.

When eating meat, such as cold cuts, people should stay away from prepackaged varieties that contain nitrates.  Hormel has a 100 percent natural line that is tasty, and pocket friendly.

Finally, shoppers should try consuming low-fat and reduced-fat dairy items.  They contain less Saturated fat.

Following these tips, people can eat healthier, and save money.

Importance of Health and Fitness

Health is something that is extremely dynamic as it keeps on changing. As we experience change in lifestyle, we also experience sickness, time of good health and extreme health concerns as well. However, as we start to work on our lifestyles, our health starts to improve and we become more active and able to perform more during the day.

When we talk about being healthy and bringing change to our current lifestyle, it is about engaging in a physical activity so that we can improve our current health status and move towards state of optimal well being. As our lifestyle changes and improves, we experience less sickness and more activeness. When we talk about being healthy, there are four components that need to work in absolute harmony and perfection:

Cardio-respiratory Capacity: It means how much our body is capable of taking in the oxygen and delivering it to the cells so that it can be converted into energy. The more energy our body is capable of producing the more active our life would be. Over a period of time, you will experience that your heart functions better and is able to endure much more.
Muscular Ability: the better your muscular strength the better your overall posture will be. Your metabolism rate will improve and you muscles will have greater strength as well as improved strength of the joints.

Flexibility: refers to the movement and motion that our joints are capable of performing. When your joints are flexible and has improved movements, you are less prone to the risk of injury, have greater range of motion and better body movements.

Body composition: it is the proportion of fat free mass to fat mass. Your risk of getting heart diseases are lowered in case of a perfect mix.

A Good Neighbor Is Beneficial

A helpful neighbor will loan you items when in need, feed your dog while your away, and also protect you from serious ailments, like a heart attack.

After tracking more than 5,000 American adults, ranging in age from 51 to 105, who had no previous heart issues, researchers from the University of Michigan found a clear connection between “perceived neighborhood social cohesion” and the risk of heart attack.

The study asked its participants to rate statements from 1 to 7.  Questions asked ranged from “I really feel part of this area”, “If you were in trouble, there are lots of people in this area who would help you.”

Researchers followed the participants after a four-year period, and they monitored them for heart attacks.  They concluded that an increased sense of belonging lowered the risk of heart attacks.

They believe the reduced stress that is gained from these factors is responsible for the health benefits.

Wine Can Be Good For You

A glass of white or red wine along with your dinner can have a positive effect on your health.

According to new research presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress in Barcelona, regulated amounts of wine can be beneficial in preventing heart disease, in conjunction with a regular exercise program.

Researchers tracked 146 volunteers, all who had a mild to moderate risk of heart disease. 

Half of the group was given red wine and the other white wine for a period of one year.

Men were allowed two to two and a half glasses each day, while women could have one to two glasses.  The patients were asked to log consumption, activity and diets in a journal.

People who drank wine and also exercised at least twice a week had elevated levels of “good” cholesterol and a drop in total cholesterol overall.

Not Getting Proper Rest Can Reduce Brain Size

Those late nights may have a greater impact on your body than just a following day of yawning and reduced work output.   According to Science of Us, researchers found that people who were routinely sleep depraved were more prone to brain a decline in brain volume.

They had their study published in Neurology, and it compared two MRI brain scans of 147 adults.

Study participants also completed a survey about their sleep habits. Those who had sub-par sleep patterns had brain shrinkage in multiple regions, though the study didn’t specify whether the loss was caused by lost sleep or if the lost sleep was brought on by the brain shrinkage.

The best thing is to still get at least seven hours of sleep a night.

Top Weight Loss Excuses

Lets be honest, we all have a million excuses to not start eating healthy.  A team of experts has has made a list of the top excuses used by people, and how to overcome them.

Many people claim that they dont have the time to exercise or prepare nutrtious meals.  Save time on meal preparation without compromising nutrition by purchasing convenient items such as rotisserie chicken, frozen fruits and vegetables, precut produce, and instant brown rice.

Another top excuse is that people calaim they don’t have gym access.  Explore options at often-overlooked park districts and inexpensive community centers such as the YMCA, says Blakely. Exercising doesn’t have to cost money. Consider power-walking around your neighborhood, while pumping your arms, at a pace that gets you slightly out of breath.
People also claim that healthy food is too expensive.  People have misconceptions about the price of wholesome foods, says Cassetty. Fill your fridge and pantry with produce (fresh or frozen), whole grains, and lean proteins such as eggs, beans, and canned fish. These picks will satisfy your hunger better than fast food or frozen meals.

Don't Get Tricked By The Fancy Restaurant Menu

Restaurant menus may be sabotaging your eat-healthy plan. And not just because there is a whole dedicated menu just for dessert.

A study by Cornell University, published in the International Journal of Hospitality Management, found that what you choose to eat boils down to two things: what you see on the menu, and how you imagine it will taste.

The study analyzed 217 menus and what 300 diners chose to eat, and found that restaurants aren’t doing enough to convince diners to make smarter picks.

And they actually have an incentive to make you eat well, too: Healthy items often have higher cost margins, since ingredients like starches and veggies can be cheaper. Luckily, the researchers offer some easy recommendations.

It all comes down to how menu items look. In lab studies, participants viewed 42% more bold listings than plain listings, and adding labels like “House Specialty,” “Chef’s Recommendation” or “Traditional Favorite” were shown to spike sales. But the labeling the good-for-you options must be discreet; explicitly adding the word “healthy” makes diners think their dish is less flavorful and indulgent.

The next best practice: Once lighter items are highlighted, it’s time to get descriptive. Calling an item a “Succulent Italian Seafood Filet” is more successful than just labeling it a “Seafood Filet.” The study found that your expectation that something will be delicious directly affects how you perceive your dish. “If [diners] taste it and they expect it to taste great, it will,” the study’s lead author Brian Wansink says in a video accompanying the study.

Anti Obesity PSA Shocks Viewers

A year-old anti-obesity PSA from Children's Healthcare of Atlanta is getting a lot of attention this week after being posted on the site Reddit.

The video, titled "Rewind the Future," features a fictional man named Jim being wheeled into a hospital room on a stretcher. Jim is 32 years old and 300 pounds.  He is suffering a heart attack.

"How the hell does that happen?" asks Jim's doctor after learning his age and weight. The answer? A lifetime of poor choices, which the video illustrates with flashbacks going all the way back to Jim's childhood.

The video ends with a strong message to parents:

"There's still time to reverse the unhealthy habits our kids take into adulthood."

Get a Flat Belly Fast

Big Bellies aren’t appreciated on anyone.  Except Buddha, a pregnant woman, or a newborn baby.

If anything, the standards for women’s bodies have grown more exacting. It’s no longer enough to be so slim that you can slip through your vertical blinds; now, your stomach has to be sculpted.  So hard that your kids could do jumping jacks on it and you wouldn’t feel a thing.

The struggle for a flat abdomen has plagued the human race since around 200 B.C., when the Roman statesman Cato the Elder is said to have declared, “It is a hard matter, my fellow citizens, to argue with the belly, since it has no ears.”
You can live on steamed vegetables and spring water, and burn up the stepper until it smokes, yet the pot hangs tough. How come? For starters, the belly is the Mecca of female fat. When a woman puts on a few pounds, this is a prime pilgrimage site. Men tend to gain weight in their upper abdomen, women in their lower abdomen, hips, thighs, and buttocks.

Your abdominal muscles begin life taut. You take them for granted for years. But there comes a time in most women’s lives when they look in the mirror sideways and cringe. The change may come gradually. But for most women, it has a defining moment: pregnancy.

Another side effect of pregnancy is that you get used to being weighed down. It’s hard to stand up straight when you’ve been carrying around a watermelon for months. And after your kids are born, you lift them, give piggybacks, lug Big Wheels, and before you know it, you’re permanently slumped.

Understand these changes that your body might encounter, and learn how to deal with them.

Make Believing In Yourself A New Thing

Your morning routine should be more than brushing your teeth, drinking coffee, and getting dressed.

It should include focusing on your accomplishments and where you want to be.  Understanding that you are who you view yourself, and these thoughts and ideas about yourself are what guide your daily life.

Don’t let the negative that enters your life dictate your direction, or sway you off course.  It is imperative to sit back and learn how to handle the bad vibes that people and nature will throw in your path, and come up with ways to face them, or exclude their effect.

Commending ourselves for doing our best and for receiving even small acts of love can be revelatory—even radical. 

Confidence is not just about believing in the good in ourselves, but about believing in the good that others see in us, and letting that trump the inevitable hate.

Italian Style Dieting

The Mediterranean diet wins a gold star for health. Reams of research confirm its power to fight heart disease, help control diabetes and possibly prevent cancer. But there’s just one problem: How can a diet that calls for ample amounts of pasta, bread and grains, and moderate amounts of nuts, cheese and avocado — not to mention those daily spoonfuls of olive oil — possibly be good for your waistline?

Researchers were skeptical, too, until they discovered that people who switch from a low-fat diet to one that contains more fat but equal calories do not gain weight. In one study, almost three times as many subjects stuck with a Mediterranean-style diet compared to those on a low-fat regimen — and were more likely to keep the weight off after the study was over. What’s critical is controlling portions.

Frozen Entree Lunch Choices

These lunchtime frozen entree choices can be purchased at your local supermarket.  They are affordable, cheap, low-calorie , and healthy.

Ethnic Gourmet Chicken Tikka Masala
For dessert, have 6 oz. Greek yogurt with ½ c. sliced strawberries and ½ tsp. honey

Trader Joe’s Spinach Lasagna
Serve with salad: Toss 1 ½ cups salad greens with 3 grape tomatoes, halved; 2 green onions, sliced; 2 tsp. balsamic vinegar; and 1 tsp olive oil

Amy’s Asian Noodle Stir-Fry
Serve with 1/3 c. shelled edamame sprinkled with reduced-sodium soy sauce

Healthy Choice Grilled Chicken Marinara with Parmesan
Sprinkle 1 Tbsp. grated parmesan cheese on entrée; for dessert, have 1 medium apple

Healthy Choice Garlic Herb Shrimp
Serve with 1 small slice whole wheat French bread drizzled with 1 tsp. olive oil.

Snacks To Take On Your Hike

The following is a list of different snacks to bring along with you next time you spend a day hiking.  They will give your body more energy, and taste good.

Energy Boosting Drink Mixes

For an energy boost without caffeine jitters, look for ingredients such as these: green tea extract for healthy metabolism; vitamin B12 for mental energy; vitamins C and D and zinc for overall health and immunity; chromium to help burn food as fuel rather than storing it as fat; and super nutrients such as resveratrol, the key beneficial ingredient in red wine.
One to try: EBOOST effervescent packets that dissolve in water. Choose from Orange, Açai Pomegranate, or Pink Lemonade flavors. Sweetened with stevia, one serving packs only 15 calories.

Seeds for Endurance

Legend has it that ancient Aztec warriors ate only chia seeds for strength and endurance during battle, and Native Americans lived solely on chia during 24-hour marches. Studies show that the seeds (yes, they’re the same ones that put hair on chia pets) are extremely high in healthy omega-3 fats and antioxidants, and rich in fiber and protein. Because they absorb nine times their weight in water, chia seeds also keep you hydrated and full.
One to try: Greens Plus Omega 3 Chia Stick Packs. Eat seeds by themselves, sprinkle them on other food, or mix with water as a drink.

Bars for Mini Meals

Nutrition bars are a handy source of portable protein to maintain healthy muscles and bones, plus carbohydrates
for energy. Protein and total calorie content vary, giving arange of options, for light or hearty snacksor mini meals. With a multitude of flavors, there are plenty of choices to keep you going.
Two to try: Atkins Advantage Bars pack 5–19 grams of protein per bar, depending on whether you want a snack or a meal replacement. Protein sources include soy, whey and other milk proteins.
Amazing Grass Organic Vegan Whole Food Energy Bars include a variety of superfoods, such as chlorella, spirulina, açai, fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and digestive enzymes, with 5–12 grams of plant protein.

Cancer Fighting Foods You Should Eat Now

Consuming more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is a smart plan for cancer prevention, but there are some foods that may give you extra protection.

Compared with those who don't drink tea, regular sippers (green, black, oolong, or white all count) are at a lower risk of certain cancers, such as breast, colon, lung, and ovarian.

Because dry beans and peas contain plenty of folate, a B vitamin that promotes healthy cell division and fixes damaged cells, they lower your risk for pancreatic cancer.

Lycopene, the chemical that gives tomatoes their red color, is a powerful antioxidant. Studies have shown that it can prevent breast, lung, and endometrial cancer from spreading.

While all berries contain ellagic acid, strawberries and raspberries are your best bets for blocking cancers of the skin, bladder, lungs, esophagus, and breasts. The chemical acts as a strong antioxidant, neutralizing harmful carcinogens and slowing the spread of cancerous cells.

Raw broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower contain glucosinolates, a type of phytonutrient that can help kickstart the production of toxin-clearing enzymes.