Nutrition Facts

We all know that nutrition is necessary for the basic health and growth of our body. However, do we know what proportions are necessary and how much is too much? Here are some quick facts that will help you in staying healthy and following an ideal diet plan.

Added Sugar is a poison Sugar is an evil as many people say that these are empty calories and do nothing for your body. If you consume sugar in high quantities, you are likely to contract many diseases like diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease etc.

You don’t get enough of Omega 3 Fats While these are the building blocks of a strong body, they are definitely not consumed in proper quantities to keep you healthy. If you have low quantities of omega 3 fats, you can experience depression, anxiety, heart diseases and even mental disorders.

There is no such thing as a perfect diet Our bodies are unique and thus need a diet plan that suits our requirements and daily intake of nutrition. The fact is that the diet that works for one person may not work for another. The best diet is the one that you can stick with for a long time.

Avoid artificial Trans-fats The trans-fats are responsible raising the bad cholesterol and lowering the good one. This can cause abdominal obesity, acidic reflux and also resistance to insulin. Long term and unchecked consumption of trans-fats can lead to obesity and depression amongst many other diseases.

Vegetables are the only healthy option There is no substitute to eating healthy vegetables. If you want to meet your daily requirements of minerals, vitamins and vital nutrients, then you must regularly consume green veggies; you will observe an improvement in the quality of your life with regular consumption.