
Food Prep suggestions for Success!

I often follow the simple mantra, “Fail to plan and plan to fail.” Prepping your food can allow you more time in your week to spend doing the things you’d REALLY like to be doing, help you avoid grabbing for the foods that lead you in the direction opposite of your goals, take the guesswork out of your week, and help you stress less! It can take you just 1-2 hours on a Sunday afternoon to take care your meals for the week. And then you just toss your pre-made meals into a cooler or tote and you’re set for the day! Easy Peasy!
Here are 8 Tips for Weekly Meal Prepping Success:
1. Grocery shopping requires a list!
Make a quick list of the things you’ll need for the week. I usually throw recipes out the window and just wing it. Unless you’ve got a little extra time or the recipe is super simple, it’s hard to screw up a meal. With a list, stick to it and don’t go “off roading” at the store. You’ll be in and out much faster.
2. “Keep it simple, stupid!”
The simple and basic foods are the foods that will typically cost you less time to make and less money to buy. Two things we’re always thrilled about, right? These items include veggies, chicken, eggs, fruit, seeds/nuts/nut butters, rice, oatmeal, etc.
3. Make sure you have appropriate containers to put your meals into!
What good are your pre-made meals if you don’t have anything appropriate to store them in? I’m not one to fight the battle on glass over plastic. Just buy various sized containers that are perfect for the meals and snacks you’re preparing.
4. Cook in bulk!
Don’t make your meals meal by meal. If you’re gonna make chicken, bake in bulk for the entire week. If you’re gonna steam rice or roast broccoli, again, make a giant batch for the week.
5. While your bulk items are cooking, prep the details!
While your chicken is baking and your rice is steaming, fill containers or baggies with your non-cooking items like nuts, nut butters, seeds, rice cakes, and protein powder, etc..
6. Create an assembly line!
I lay out all my containers for the week and have my measuring cups and food scale ready! When your rice is done, plop a portion into each container. When your broccoli is ready, plop a portion into each container. When your chicken is ready…well, you get the idea.
7. Steam Bags rock!
These are another battle I don’t bother to fight. I love steam bags. These things are brilliant. You can either buy the ones in the storage aisle or just buy the frozen Steamfresh or generic brand items. These bags usually contain between 2-4 servings each and only cook up in about 4 minutes. They’ll save you loads of time compared to waiting for that giant pot of water to boil on stove!
8. Meal replacement bars or shakes!
These can have their place in our diets and can help save you even more time in the kitchen. I don’t really recommend consuming more than 2 servings/day and making sure your varieties  contain a healthy balance of all of your macronutrients (carbs, protein, fats) and contain an actual meals worth of calories (none of this 100-calorie diet mumbo jumbo). Also try to avoid soy, artificial sweeteners, and an ingredient list 10x longer than the grocery list you brought with you. So, read your labels!
I hope these tips help you rock your weekly food prep!
Yours in Health,
Jodee Young

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